(786) 570-4141
Myofascial Release & Breathwork
Outcall Only
all are welcome! However, due to the intensity of these sessions, I cannot perform this modality on anyone with the following conditions. Please take these conditions seriously, as this work can trigger episodes or worsen your condition:
• Cardiovascular disease (heart attacks, high blood pressure, angina)
• Seizures
• Severe mental illness (generally considered if the condition required institutionalization or medication)
• Aneurysms
Like many firsts in life, It is impossible to convey what these sessions lead to. Not only that, but the experience varies from person to person because we've all lived different lives.
This is about connecting the mind/Body/Spirit, focusing inward, and releasing stress, trauma, and fear from the body.
My approach to these sessions begins with a blindfold for the whole session. By shutting out sight, your other senses are heighted, spatial awareness heightens, and you become more connected with your body.
I'll guide you through some long stretches,
We'll then connect through hugs, bodyweight, and light touch for a bit. To connect, relax, and explore your body to see what's where things are being held. during this time it's okay to hug back, hold my hand, whatever makes you feel at ease and connected.
Next will be bodywork or breathwork, or both depending on the person. This work is equally about bodywork, breathwork, and turning inward. View is more as a guided experience rather than a massage.
I mentioned before this may just be a great ride the entire time, but if there are trapped emotions and experiences the following information is important to know so you know what to expect. Also read in the dropdown menu "how Stress and Trauma get Stuck in the Body."
During breathwork, you may experience lightheadedness, tingling, possible numbness, and maybe a very dry mouth. You’ll need to push beyond these challenges while staying still of voluntary motion. Taking a hot shower, clearing your sinuses before the session, and chap stick helps.
There will come a point where you’ll shift to a different state of mind, allowing your body to take over. This may be a challenge mentally. You’ll be okay! Some panic prior to the switch, but go with whatever sensation or emotion comes. Allow involuntary movement to come while remaining relaxed and not giving in to conscious movement.
Yes, your body can move itself. You're aware and capable of ending it at any time, but for an example, Think when you tap your knee and your leg kicks, or sleep walking. Though not the same as what's going on in the session, these are times you move without deciding to, or if you touch something hot, you didn't decide to drop something or pull away, the nervous system acts in self preservation faster that the brain receives the signal.
The body is wired for survival; it won’t harm itself. By tapping into these deeper, unexplored parts of yourself and consciousness, profound shifts can occur.
It doesn’t always happen all at once. For some, The ability to relax, breathe, and let down your defenses is something that comes with practice. Over time, this allows you'll go deeper and deeper within. stress or trauma can arise when you’re ready to handle it, while other times it may bring new perspectives on ideas, beliefs, behaviors, or memories. Profound emotions, states of peace, or even nothingness—where you exist in perfect stillness, both mentally and physically—are all possible and can lead to deeply spiritual experiences.
Please don’t assume that there’s nothing buried within you, as humans we are wildly capable with defense mechanisms. These are important in the moment, but can haunt us physiologically if not delt with... the body never forgets and this will make more sense if you read the dropdown menu.
Be open and willing to explore, feel, and express whatever surfaces so it can release. Life is beautiful and a gift, but it also presents us with challenges—stress, heartbreak, loss, disappointment, fear, injuries, surgeries, and so on. Or maybe you’ve experienced darker events such as war, violence, abuse, or sexual assault. Unprocessed events, whether remembered or not, can surface and must be allowed to play out to break free of it and continue forward.
Reach out with any questions you have
​These Sessions are only offered as outcalls and are performed on a massage table. A bed will work when bringing my table isn’t possible.